Improving confidence, focus and mental toughness.


Jolie holding up trophy
“I always thought conquering my own mindset would be the hardest thing I’d ever have to do; and I wasn’t wrong. As I transitioned myself within a new team and program this year, I had to change my mindset and understand this ride was going to be completely different from my past four years. My own personal mental growth throughout the season became a huge asset towards my ability to build and understand my new relationships as well as push myself to better step into my role on the field physically. Ending up as a CAA conference champion was only a small fraction of how my mental growth as an athlete was able to bring success on the field. Keeping myself within the right head space allowed me to perform at a higher level. It allowed me to persevere through the games when my team was down by 1 and could just give up. 
This past season I have grown to be a better collegiate athlete through acknowledging that not only do I have to focus on the physical aspect of the game, but I also need to focus on my mental growth.”
– Jolie Creo, CAA Conference Lacrosse Champion

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"The first step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one."
-Unknown Source


Complete a contact form to schedule a free consultation with Coach Jamel Ramsay.


After meeting with Jamel, you'll receive instructions for taking a specialized sports psychology assessment.


Put your customized plan into action and watch your mental game improve right along with your physical game!


"It was a huge mess when I wasn't a calm and ready player. Jamel Ramsay's Cerebral [Sports] helped me overcome and helped me become a better player by helping me stay calm, keep me focused during the game and just keep me level headed."
Anton Livshin